Monday, October 29, 2012

Chicken Thigh Tutorial

I tried to do a photo shoot of the boning process for the thigh and drumstick conflagration, but I was by myself and my hands got too greasy with raw chicken too fast to get too many good pictures. I'll learn from that at least.

But the first cuts you'll need to make run along the bones themselves. Then take your knife and slice around a point above bottom of the drumstick. Check below on the left. The idea is to sever all the anchoring sinew from the former heel of the chicken.

Then it's just a number's game. Numbers and patience. Slice gently and close to the bone, going slowly.

You'll be able remove one part, then work the longer drumstick, then you'll find it's the knuckle is the last part still attached. It's easy to cut the final part, but only if you know what you're doing. Go ahead and cut it off, and pick any hard cartilage or tiny bone remnants out with care and the tip of your knife.

This blog isn't really a butcher forum, and my pictures are woefully insufficient, but the essence is here for those who have the patience and the courage. The cut, once finished, can be pan fried into one of the best tasting chicken dinners anywhere.

Hope the pics aren't too gruesome.

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