Friday, May 25, 2012

The Lucky Get the Juice

We're lucky enough to have access to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program, something I've written about before. We're also lucky enough to get to go to one of the farms during the "Farm Welcomes You!" days they hold every month. The first time we went we were able to pick oranges and avocados.

This time it was only oranges, btu we still made out pretty well. Actually, we made out soi well, that we were able to do things like this post: making some juice.

Here's the start. I grabbed fifteen oranges and halved them. That I could just grab fifteen oranges is another story, one about the vast ubiquity of the oranges on trees, but here, really have been used to only going with six or so, this represented a lot.

Here were my tools: the stainless bowl; a fine mesh sieve; the Pyrex measuring cup used to collect filtered juice; and the strangely scary-looking wooden butt-plug-like hand juicer.

Here's the juicer at work. Arm crampingly and everything-sticky-making work.

Now, with all those oranges juiced, and nearly a gallon of juice collected, the need to filter is here, and you can see the setup of the sieve and measuring cup.

Here's all the juice next to a pile of orange husks halves. This is almost too much juice.

Pretty lucky, but you work for this.

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